Returning to Spice Sacrifice!!!!!

Hey all, we wanted to let everyone know that we are back working on Spice Sacrifice, and are going to release it in 2025! And going forwards beyond that we want to keep focusing on other furry-centric projects as our main thing.

We are focusing on editing Spice Sacrifice into a cohesive game, and using the skills and insights we developed while working on Stardust Demon to make it into a better finished product. Having spent the past couple of weeks getting back into Spice development, it's exciting to see how much there is to work with! Coming back into the project with a "fresh set of eyes" has been super helpful too, and we can see what we need to do to finish up the game.

Soon we'll also be putting up demos and soundtracks for our released games very soon, which should help us make a little extra income to help us with Spice Sacrifice moving forwards.

To fulfill the vision for Spice Sacrifice, we're planning on setting up a crowdfunding page for it in 2025. So please look out for that when it comes!

Thanks for reading and taking interest in our work!!

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excited to see you back on this game! It had a very fascinating hook to it for me

thank you!!



aaaa! we really want to finally finish it up!!


star dust demon sound track (:


yeah!! it's got over 60 tracks it's wild!!!